Books of Azerbaijan Authors Published in Turkish
Hüseynbala Mirelemov, Viktor Andriyanov - Lives of Prominent Personalities ''Haydar Aliyev''
Yunus Oğuz, Bahtiyar Tuncay – “Türklerin Gizli Tarihi” (Secret History of Turks)
Mir Celal Paşayev – “Dirilen Adam” (Resurgent Man)
Elçin Efendiyev – “ölüm hükmü” (sentence of death)
Anar Rzayev – “5 katlı evin 6'ncı katı” (6th storey of the 5-storey house)
Fuzuli- Bengü-Bade
Prof Dr. Fuzuli Bayat- Türk Kültüründe Kadın Şaman (Female Shaman in Turkish Culture)
Hüseyin Cavit: ( Famous Azerbaijan Poet)
Hüseyin Abdullah's son Rasizade. Famous Azerbaijan poet and dramaturgist. He was born in Nakhchivan in 1882. He completed his primary education in Mullah School in Nakhchivan, secondary education in the new style school named Mekteb-i terbiye (School of Good Manners) (1894-1898). He continued his education in Tebriz's Talibiye (Aspiration) School in South Azerbaijan during 1899-1903. Hüseyin Cavit received higher education in faculty of literature in Istanbul university (1909). He worked as a teacher in Nakhchivan, Gence, Tiflis and Baku beginning from 1915. His Poems