Cities/Administrative Regions:
66 districts
78 cities
13 city districts (11 in Baku, 2 in Gence)
1 Autonomous republic (Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic)
7 districts
1 metropolitan city
The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan has its own administration, parliament and constitution. The population of Nakhchivan is about 380,000 people; there is a border of thirteen kilometers with Turkey.
İçerişehir - Old City
Neighborhood of Baku
Lenkeran- Astara Region
Lankaran (180 km distant from Baku)- Historical and touristic places
Kızılağaç National Park (160 km distant from Baku)
Şirvan National Park (140- 150 km distant from Baku)
Gencebasar Region
Gence (348 km distant from Baku)- historical and touristic places
Göygöl (40 km distant from Gence)- Lake coast, forestry picnic areas
Mingeçevir- Naftalan Region
Mingeçevir ( 308 km distant from Baku)- Dam Lake, (the largest of Azerbaijan). Fish, recreation places, museum (center).
Naftalan ( 50 km distant from Mingeçevir) thermal springs, petroleum content mud bath)
Şeki- Zagatala Region
Şeki ( 352 km distant from Baku) – Historical and touristic places “ Gelersen- Görersen” (You should come, you should see), Marhal (forestry picnic area), Han palace, Monument, upper caravansary, forestry picnic areas
Zagatala (60 km distant from Şeki)- Historical and touristic places, Forestry picnic areas.
Gah ( 35 km distant from Şeki), Oğuz (25 km distant from Şeki), Balaken ( 30 km distant from Zagatala), Daghistan and Georgia border, Forestry picnic areas.
Guba- Gusar Region
Guba ( 160 m distant from Baku)
Museum (center), handcrafts, Historical and touristic places
Nabran, Khazar Coast (200 km distant from Baku)- Forestry picnic areas and beaches
Geçreş ( 186 km distant from Baku) Forestry picnic areas
Şamahı- İsmailli Region
Şamahı (120 km distant from Baku)- Museum, Historical and touristic places
Pirgulu Mansion (30 km distant from Şamahı)- Observatory, Forestry picnic areas
Lahıç (40 km distant from Şamahı) – Iron working, handcrafts, Historical and touristic places
İsmailli (40 km distant from Şamahı)- Cavanşir Castle